How to ACTUALLY Start a Habit
“When I start a habit — no matter what it is — I focus on the habit first.”
How to Juggle 3 Balls
Have you ever seen a juggler and thought, “I could never do that.”
Well today, I’m here to prove you wrong! My name is Jeremy Fein, and I’ve been helping show people that they can learn seemingly impossible juggling skills for over 20 years. In this article, I’ll take you through a step-by-step progression to learn the 3-ball cascade.
How to Handstand
“Your body is REALLY good at being right-side up. From your eyes and inner ears down to the soles of your feet, everything is used to this orientation.”
If you were at your best every day, it wouldn’t be your best
“Things change. You’re a thing :)”
4 training mistakes to avoid in 2022
“Do you really want to run that marathon in 2022? Probably not :)”
Try this core strength couplet
“You’ll feel like you just did an intense core circuit, but instead of passed out in your sweat, you’ll be walking tall and feeling great!”
Trying to build a habit? Ask a smaller question, ask a bigger question.
“So you sit yourself down, wag a finger in your face, and say ‘listen, ME! This is the week. I’m gonna get 8 hours of sleep a night, and you can’t stop me.’”
An alternative to “muscle memory”
“When Serena Williams returns a serve, she doesn’t know how her opponent will hit the ball. Will it be to her right or left? Will it bounce high or low?”
When “perfect technique” is risky
“Mix it up. You have an awesome team of movers within you -- don't make one or two do all the work!”
Is it better to use weights or bodyweight?
“Sometimes it seems like there are SO many factors to consider when trying to get strong — which exercise, what’s the right technique, how many reps and sets, how long to rest, how many days a week…”
How many reps you should do
“You can think of not doing enough reps as similar to the whisper. In the case of strength work, you’re not providing enough of a stimulus to recruit all the little parts of your muscles to get up and go to work.”
Exercise vs. Sleep
“We know it’s healthy to exercise and we know it’s healthy to get a good night’s sleep, but what do we do when they’re at odds with each other?”
Defining Success in Practice
A practical approach to improving a skill by defining what “counts” in practice.
It only takes one second to focus
The day I learned how to make the most of practice when it just won't work.
The 3rd question of goal-setting
“This is where we take off the rose-colored glasses. We stop imagining our best selves strolling towards victory, and start considering real life — obstacles, distractions, and new priorities.”