How to Handstand

This week on IG, someone asked “how bro, how???” 😂

My 1st reaction: um…I need WAY more information.

But hey, sounds like a fun challenge! Can I zoom out and give some useful frameworks for people at any level of experience and ability?


Initially, you have two projects in front of you:
1) Get used to being upside down
2) Bear a lot of weight on your hands

Your body is REALLY good at being right-side up. From your eyes and inner ears down to the soles of your feet, everything is used to this orientation.

Your ankles, knees, and hips are used to walking around all day — sitting, standing, running, jumping…and now you want to put all the weight on your hands?

All of this is okay! You can do it. But the smartest path is probably a gradual one. Slowly introduce crawling patterns, partial handstands, and various forms of assistance/resistance…

If your joints are feeling good, you’re feeling small bursts of adrenaline, and you’re excited to do it again next time, you’re probably on the right track :)

Want a hand getting on your hands? Book a call with me, and we’ll get you upside down safely.


You can get fully upside down on your hands. You’re likely using a wall or a partner to hold you there, or maybe you’ve tried floating for that elusive 1.5 seconds?

Now your project becomes this: get your weight from your feet onto your hands, and learn to keep it there. Leaning a bit forward? Learn how to get back.

Here’s the simplest advice I can give — it’'ll only help if you take it seriously: start at your bull’s eye, and then gradually go further. First, let a partner or the wall set you up right at your balance point, and see if you can stay there. Then maybe you can find that point from a millimeter away. Gradually start coming from a little further, and eventually you’ll find yourself kicking all the way up from the floor.

I also just came out with a whole online course for you! Check out “Off The Wall” here.


You can get up into a freestanding handstand in multiple ways. Maybe you’re starting to walk around, press up, or add strength moves like handstand pushups…or maybe chasing the glory of a one-arm handstand?

My advice is simple: remember WHY you’re doing all this.

So many people start practicing handstands to feel like a kid again. To have fun, get into a flow state, try something new, let go of the stressors of the day….and then somehow the handstand turns into another thing to worry about!

There is no skill you need to pursue, and there’s no perfect technique. Prioritize what works for you.

If you could use a coach’s perspective on how to pursue these skills, you can book a free 15-minute discovery call to hear about my new “Co-Lab” offering.

Know someone practicing handstands? Share this article with them or on social media!
Have a handstand question? Comment below or shoot me an email.


Pushup and Pullup Progressions


If you were at your best every day, it wouldn’t be your best